What is Encapsulator Technology?

The Letus Survival Mask by EODOR is a unique mask that employs Encapsulator Technology. The mask consists of 4 non-woven fabric layers (see picture for illustration)

Layer 1: This layer is water repelent to prevent large droplets and large particles.

Layer 2: This layer is also water resistant and baterial resistant. This layer block our 85% of all particles from the outside environment.

Layer 3 & 4: This layer is embed with the special US-developed Encapsulator Technology that trap any toxin molecules, bacteria or virus that passed through the first 2 layers. This encapsulation is activated when the 3rd layer is moisturized with vapor from the user breathing into the mask or the mask was prayed with a mist of water prior to wearing. The encapsulation of bacteria, smoke toxin result in the marked reduction of odor reaching the user.

Layer 4: A soft marterial is used to prevent skin irritation.

Mechanically, all the layers prevent >85% of 3 microns particles and 90% of 0.1 microns. However, combine with the encapsulator technology, the mask can block >95% of 0.3 microns. This is the same amount that is blocked by an N95 mask. However, our mask is not classified as N95 mask due to 2 reasons: the design is not seal fit and there was no breathability test done.


F-500 encapsulator agent (EA) is an EPA approved agent used in many other industry application such at fire fighting, environmental cleaning, automotive, marine, etc. F-500 EA has a large, amphipathic molecule, meaning it has a polar head that is attracted to water and a nonpolar tail that is attracted to hydrocarbons.

When the F-500 EA nonpolar tails protruding from the droplets find hydrocarbon vapors or liquid, they attach themselves, forming micelles or “chemical cocoons” around the hydrocarbon molecules. 

The third and fourth layer of the Letus Survival mask is treated with F-500 EA. When the user wear the mask, this layer is activated by the vapor from breathing. The water molecule combined with F-500 EA then form the micelles around the invading particles.